
Type:Short Documentary Series and Storytelling Platform

Produced:Twitchy Films

About Traits

Traits is a unique storytelling platform for exceptional musical talent. It showcases a diverse cast of creative minds.

Each short documentary explores the rich stories behind some of the music we so quickly consume in society today. These are honest and personal tales of struggle, passion, perseverance, and joy.

Lil Halima

Norway based Lil Halima introduces us to her life, art and inspirations in new mini documentary. Watch here

"This is very special to me! Never showed you this part of me. Was so lucky to be asked to film this documentary and it’s so amazing to look back at these memories. Playing at festivals, directing music video, home in Bardu, I hope this brings you insight to my life, that feels very real." – Lil Halima


Hajk’s career exploded right out of the starting blocks, playing their first ever concert in front of thousands of spectators at a sold out Øya festival in Norway. Their first album 'Hajk' received lots of praise and was nominated for a Spellemann prize (Norwegian Grammy).

Since then they’ve been on tour and working on their anticipated second album, which is always a difficult task. We follow and get to know them in the months leading up to the the release concert for their second album – Drama! Watch here

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Behind the scenes